Baby, just the tip?

Baby, just the tip?

A rim of a circle,

it’s edge a limit,

a pen on paper tracing ink,

dew staining blades of hair

and tickling my skin,

something so sweet    

it could have bookended our unity 

like Moby Dick does to Nietzsche,

I tried to read Neruda,

but he wasn’t for me; 

it’s as if 

when a man tries too hard 

love turns to hurting

and no one wants to read your yearning

while we have our own desires to meet,

people want possibility with the probability 

of setting their own parole,

the definition of release

is the cathartic energy 

transferred from you to me,

a gas station

and a pump placed inside the tank,

an automatic switch set to finish

afterwhich the two participants 

say collectively, “That’s enough for me.”

The door to life’s periphery

is that time is held in threes, 

the beginning of summer 

is a recurring childhood dream

and the difference between 

a fantasy and a nightmare

is like that time you pulled me back 

from a blank stare,

you asked me where I went,

but I didn’t leave

and it’s as if a part of me 

used to be able to see 

a thing in your eyes 

that held eternity,

but the tragedy is that we all die,

a past, a present, and a future me

using their different dimensions of reality

to describe what life was, is, and will be like.

A simple touch 

to test the temperature of time, 

days that pass us by 

and the only memories that stay

are new ones that are made 

or the ones of when you weren’t away,

a foghorn blows off the coast

as my mind paints the picture

of you asking where it is that I go,

I guess it’s as if 

nostalgia acts as a phallus 

and your attention was the orifice 

it wants to know,

a beginning as Genesis

when man knew woman

giving birth to Revelation

and an ending 

that left everything 

to be desired,

zoom out from trees 

to see past the forest

and world the above you and me,

alpha and omega means 

two different ends connecting,

and I know that two steps forward 

will outrun one back,

but would it be ok 

if I rest here for a second

before I return to actuality? 


picking at scabs

