Flavor Saver
Flavor Saver
I was waiting for you to realize
that we don’t have to do the things
that everyone else is doing,
a one-in-a-million type of life,
and to be deemed willing
we need to know where this leads,
but on this side of the 405
all I can see is mountainside,
it took a restricted view
to paint a clear picture
of the memory of you,
like when a formally renowned artist
begins to lose his voice
and starts to use auto-tune,
or the time
I got off from my night shift early,
walked thru the door,
and I knew by your eyes
that you were high.
Something left undone,
and after enough time went by
what was left became artificial,
as if
you or I
hadn’t been willing participants,
purgatory isn’t a place for settling,
and it makes me wonder
if all this waiting
was a gift,
idle hands
turn into the Devil's grip,
sticks and stones
can break bones,
but it’s as if we forgot
the words to use
so that we could make a home.
We didn’t have to always tell the truth,
but it would have been a good start
to hold back the lies,
it’s interesting that deceiving
always begins within,
a sin now
was penance back then
and a question for you
posed in the present,
“When does forgiveness end?”
Trial by fire at midnight
as the light
of this laptop burns bright,
desktop philosophy
quoting those who came before,
memorizing lines,
and dreaming about things to be written,
all while simultaneously
forgetting you
and me
had together
made a ‘we’.
After all that
it could be asked if
I’d have a memory
that I’d keep with me,
“All of them,” I’d say.
“Because I think that
it’s better to have had something
and lost, forgotten, or fucked it up
then to have never found anything
and not known
what it was like
to actually live.”