it was you all along

it was you all along 

To think that a poet is speaking to anyone,

is to know that the message 

is meant for everyone,

a target demographic is elusive

when your thoughts are exclusive

to the words inside of my head, 

reaction specific to the situation,

but it can’t be new clothes,

a fresh coat of paint,

or that makeup on your face,

because one day

all those external things will fade away.

it’s like you knew what I needed 

before I thought I should have it,

women want to believe in their man,

they’ll coach him when they can,

but if he begins to lose her faith

she’ll start to turn away,

and with that dissolving of fate

she’ll begin to hate the one 

who caused the change.

Like a trip to the dentist,

you can’t hide behind self-consciousness

when the proof is not only in the pudding

but last weekend's meth binge 

and the fact that your last upper

was taken before supper

and without the food proper food

the nutrition your teeth need

has caused a deficiency in vitamin D,

“Open your mouth.”

But you don’t 

because you have a fear

of a tooth falling out.

It’s as if something is pulling us down,

the weight of gravity 

is sad to see

when those with dreams 

pass on by me,

“What do you mean?”

“It’s not that I’m unhappy,” I say.

“But their success is challenging.”

“Oh now you’re making fun of me.”

“I am,” I say. 

He turns away.

“Because look me in the eye

and tell me if you really wanted it

you wouldn’t have tried another way?”

“Oh I’m too busy.”

“Oh ok,” I say.

“Swing by and chill.”

“I’ve got to get back to work.”

“It’s the weekend.”

“I know,” I say. 

“But I’ve got this poem about you to write, 

my current documentary movie,

a screenplay, college, and now a new buddy 

whose story I need to learn how to tell.”

It’s the evolution of the soul 

that I think about as well,

like how many centuries 

did it take to develop 

the idea of empathy,

that ability 

being very different than sympathy,

like the fact that

I don’t feel sorry for you,

and wouldn’t want you to for me,

because mankind is lovely,

but today those same people are lonely

and have no idea what to do productively

with the time that they’d so easily give away,

will this line affect your day

or is the knowledge of shared circumstance

a trivial thing 

in a society 

that will eventually drift away?

Dan Parks