the roaches never die
The roaches never die
Times like these
are ripe with opportunity,
you might consider
shopping for a tux
on the eve of this apocalypse,
it’s not only a steal,
but have you had a chance
to feel real wool
against your skin
when you can
look out window
and see the fury
the world is worked up in?
It’s like
if you asked the Mexican man
walking the stoplight
at 190th and Normandie
if the Coronavirus
had affected
the business he is in,
or writing a poem
after the President
enacts a bill
in which
under the disguise of security
we become Judas
selling civil liberty
for 30 days of salary,
Waking up
and getting punched in the face
by Independence Day,
quoting movies
is today
how we handle philosophy,
and an outbreak
could be the time to ask
if maintaining our current sensibilities
is what’s important
or with a new dawn approaching
we should change our ways,
Noah was a man
who worked 50 years
to build an arc
on divine orders
for the new world,
and that means
we’re not the children of Adam,
but we are the descendants of a man
who saw something coming
and chose to act,
is like process it takes
to purchase a gun
in California,
you think that
the supermarket lines are weird,
a gun shop has
people out the door,
I got there too late
to take the safety test
and the 10 day wait
deferred me back
to writing on a Thursday.
must be key,
because it’s almost like we
were designed to have something
occupy our mind
so that we wouldn’t focus
on death,
a deep breath in
and we can be reminded
of the history we are in,
“I love the smell of napalm in the morning.”
A warning
to close down and stay in
while the food delivery
interrupts your Netflix binge,
I’m not an MD,
but I know that
a real life vaccine
exists in exposure therapy,
and while you
work from home
and become weak
Americans might lose their reputation
as the ones who dream.
A delivery to a Walmart yesterday
and I saw inside
the heart of this country,
like artery’s pumping
men and women
unloaded boxes
and stocked shelves,
while the rest of the people sleep,
and Will Smith said,
“Welcome to earth.”