Lunch Truck Revival
Lunch Truck Revival
You don’t want it,
you never did,
and you tried to go our own way,
but to blaze a trail was more work
than you’d thought it’d be,
so you break back
and join society,
get a car lease
and sit in the the a/c;
a drive thru Starbucks line,
I see you in my mirror,
do you see me?
Time, when we’re in it
is so thick
that we’ll sink:
a pressure from a job,
a wife who won’t sleep,
you take a drink,
But some of us don’t conform,
we punch the clock
and do our time
like a man,
but with the rest of life
we dream
like what you do
is a nightmare,
because we see
what actually living
could mean
and to work with the imagination
means to create
and that means Genesis 1:3
don’t you see?
They say,
“If you’re not with me,
then you’re against me.”
you tell me if it
was too quick for a generation to see
the internet
and cell phones
and free porn;
you don’t need a girlfriend
when you shop for one online,
let the corporation steal your time
and set fire to a thought
before it can manifest into a dream.
The opposite of renaissance
would be a deterioration
of your station in life,
two generations before
our parents moved to the suburbs,
but now we’re back in the city;
a food truck lunch,
a flannel shirt,
and Wolverines.
I don’t know if you’ve looked around lately
or if it’s just me,
but they’re seems to be
an awakening,
a time in which
a man can be seen
for what he sees,
what I want to do
is to help you see
what it will all look like
in another century.