The Ecology of Pink Floyd's 'The Wall': It's Genesis & Revelation -- Chapter 2 "The Thin Ice"
Blog, Blogging, Book, Creativity, God, Social Commentary, WritingDan ParksDan Parks, Bible, Holy Bible, Pink Floyd, Pink Floyd's 'The Wall', The Ecology of Pink Floyd's 'The Wall': It's Genesis & Revelation
The Ecology of Pink Floyd's 'The Wall': It's Genesis & Revelation -- Chapter 1 "In the Flesh?"
Creativity, Book, Blogging, Blog, God, WritingDan ParksDan Parks, Pink Floyd, book, The Bible, non-fiction, Pink Floyd's 'The Wall', The Ecology of Pink Floyd's 'The Wall': It's Genesis & Revelation, Bible, Genesis, God, Creative, Creativity
The Ecology of Pink Floyd's 'The Wall': It's Genesis & Revelation -- Prologue.
Writing, Blog, BookDan ParksDan Parks, Pink Floyd, non-fiction, blog, book, The Ecology of Pink Floyd's 'The Wall': It's Genesis & Revelation, Wow, Creative, Creativity, God, Bible
I’m Going to Write a Book Through a Succession of Blog Posts: & Here’s 3 Steps How.